Signs to Take Your Pet to A Veterinary Neurologist

We all want our pets happy and healthy, and sometimes, things get a little complicated. While your regular vet is amazing for everyday care, some issues need a specialist. Think of it like this – your family doctor is great for general checkups, but if you have a complex brain issue, you go to see a neurologist. The same goes for your pets! But, how to know it is time to take your pet to see one? Here are some signs that indicate it is time for your pet to go to a veterinary neurologist.

Uncontrolled epilepsy

Pet seizures create profound anxiety in pet owners. If your dog is having recurring seizures, or their seizures fail to respond to your vet’s usual treatments, it is time to consider a veterinary neurologist. These specialists use advanced testing and create a personalized plan to identify the root cause and help your pet.

For pet owners in Southern California seeking the best neurological care, BrightCare Neurology is a leading choice. They are the first and only dedicated animal neurology and imaging centre located in Orange County. The centre offers cutting-edge tools and a team of expert specialists to diagnose and treat pets with neurological issues. You can trust them to provide the highest level of care for your beloved companion.

Changes in behaviour

Unusual behaviour includes:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Aggression
  • Sudden personality changes

If you pet displays strange behaviors it is a sign of neurological issue. Behavioural changes can be subtle, so you may easily overlook it, but if you detect don’t ignore because it is an indication of serious underlying conditions.

Difficulty in mobility

Your pet may find it hard to walk or move properly.

Signs of neurological problem associated with mobility are:

  • Limping
  • Dragging of limbs
  • Loss of balance
  • Sudden weakness [cannot stand on its legs or shiver in the limbs when they stand up]

Consult a veterinary neurologist to identify the root cause and get proper treatment for your pet.

Unexplained pain

Suddenly your pet vocalizes when handled or is experiencing unexplained pain when you touch – it is a sign that there is something wrong in its nerves. It means you will need a thorough examination from an expert veterinary neurologist because the symptoms point to issues in their spine.

Head tilting or circling

If your pet shows balance issues like:

  • Abnormal tilting
  • Unusual circling
  • Uncoordinated movements

These symptoms pinpoint vestibular system imbalance. It reveals an issue in their nerves, brain or inner ear that needs specialized evaluation and treatment.

Vision dilemmas

Your pet maybe:

  • Struggling to navigate their surroundings
  • Bumping into things
  • Exhibiting those unusual eye movements

It can be a sign that something’s wrong in their nerve network that connects their eyes to their brain. You will need to take your pet to a veterinary neurologist. They are the experts who can unravel the mystery, pinpoint the cause of the vision trouble, and put together a plan to help your pet see the world clearly again.


Paralysis or loss of sensation needs quick neurologist attention. These symptoms can result from nerve damage, spinal cord injuries or other neurological conditions that need prompt and specialized treatment.


Be attentive to your pets needs and if there are signs of potential neurological issue seek expert care. It will ensure that your pet receive the best possible care for their neurological health.

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